…And the Lord spake unto the Milanese, Go to Harnham, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord, Let Cesare go, that he may serve his patients. But Harnham hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.
…And so the Lord said unto the Milanese, stretch out thy rod and smite the compost bin of the land, that it may become flies throughout all of Harnham; and the flies came up and covered the land of Harnham.
…And at Harnham they could harden their hearts no longer; and they cried unto the Lord, because of the flies which he had brought against them; and they gathered together the compost and the land stank.
…And Harnham called for Cesare in haste; and said, “we have sinned against the Milanese and against you; Go, ye, and serve your patients.” And he went; and a strong wind took away the compost bin and cast it in the Municipal Sea; and for three days there was a thick darkness.
...And when the darkness passed, the Lord said unto the cook, Where is Cesare thy brother? And he said, I know not, Am I my brothers keeper? But he hung his head in shame, for his burnt offerings could not compare with all the glories his brother had brought amongst them.
…Then the people of the land cried out, asking how they also could bring such glories in that land of plenty, and he spake unto them in low and grateful tones of the fruits of the land:
- milk and honey
- tahini
- fruit
- wood for wood-burning stoves
...and of the hand:
- normal 2nd class stamps
- high value stamps: £1 and above
- earplugs (for sleep not work)
...and of their lack of want for olive oil and toothbrushes, towels and coffee, tea bags and pasta, lentils and biscuits, spices and cakes.