Painting samadhi
This week there is little to report from the hilltop, but things are moving on steadily with the meditation room and the redecoration of Kusala House. The radiators are now installed, the painting of the store room is finished, and today we begin painting the lobby area.
Ajahn Abhinando is now pretty much fully recovered; well enough, in fact, to go to Scotland for a few days and teach at the Edinburgh and Glasgow groups with Tan Hiriko. He is unable to reply individually due to the sheer numbers, but he expresses his gratitude to all those who sent him cards and letters of support during the time he was in hospital and while he was convalescing. They were very much appreciated.
Finally, Anagarika Sebastian is soon to take up the ochre robes when he receives the Going Forth (Pabbajjā) and becomes a Sāmanera. The ordination will take place on Saturday 4th October, and everyone is welcome to attend. Michael Knabe will inherit Sebastian's whites when he takes anagarika precepts on the full moon day of Sunday 14th September.