Last week's blizzard did indeed portend the arrival of further Wintry weather as this week the views from the monastery's windows have been largely scenes of heavy frost and much snow. However the monastic community didn't take this as a sign to go into hibernation. Work must go on, so monks and guests have been wrapping up well as they both mindfully and cheerfully brave the elements.
This week though it has perhaps been political forces rather than natural forces that have had the greatest effect on the community's proceedings. The dramatic closure of Thailand's international airport has meant that Ajahn Munindo and Venerable Nyanamoli have had to postpone their flight there and instead keep our numbers up here for the time being. Conversely Ajahn Punnyo has been unable to fly back to Britain and has been stranded in Bangkok temporarily. Thankfully Ajahn Punnyo hadn't actually checked in at the airport and wasn't caught in a bureaucratic 'no-man's land' so he's been able to receive appropriate support in the Thai capital. Perhaps it is another example of how actions can have all manner of unforeseen consequences, the ripples of which are felt thousands of miles away around the world. Back on our chilly hill top community we contemplate the interconnectedness of things and consider how we're also exposed to the worldy winds of political storms, and not just the biting Northumberland gales. Brrrr...