Ajahn Thiradhammo
This week, Luang Por Tong- In who has 40 vassas and 150 monasteries worldwide, will be coming to visit Harnham this evening, accompanied by two other senior Thai monks, and tomorrow (Saturday 25th) they will be leaving to head south. They will be staying at Kusala House where they will be offered dana at 9:30am and anyone who wishes to join in is very welcome to do so. Any food brought to be offered to them needs to be brought to Kusala House, and not the main part of the monastery.
Ajahn Thiradhammo, the Abbot of our New Zealand branch monastery (and former Abbot of Harnham) will also be leaving us early in the morning and heading to Amaravati for a few days before heading off elsewhere.
Having spent the winter retreat in Hartridge Monastery in Devon, and having helped Ajahn Khemasiri teach a retreat at Le Refuge in southern France, Ajahn Abhinando will be returning on Monday.
Samanera Sunnyato will also be returning to Harnham tomorrow, before he heads to Dhammapala monastery in Switzerland to help out for a few months after Vesak.
The posting of the Hilltop newsletter has been slightly delayed, but it should be going out by tomorrow morning.
Ajahn Thiradhammo, the Abbot of our New Zealand branch monastery (and former Abbot of Harnham) will also be leaving us early in the morning and heading to Amaravati for a few days before heading off elsewhere.
Having spent the winter retreat in Hartridge Monastery in Devon, and having helped Ajahn Khemasiri teach a retreat at Le Refuge in southern France, Ajahn Abhinando will be returning on Monday.
Samanera Sunnyato will also be returning to Harnham tomorrow, before he heads to Dhammapala monastery in Switzerland to help out for a few months after Vesak.
The posting of the Hilltop newsletter has been slightly delayed, but it should be going out by tomorrow morning.