our contemplative artist in residence
On Monday, this week’s quiet day, the Sangha went to Holy Island, the historical home of Saint Cuthbert. Dana was offered by Mame, Maureen, Daeng, Kath and Penny. After the picnic the community went exploring, fortunately all managed to return to the mainland before the tide came swooping in.
Kusala house is host to an abundance of guests this week, including Tan Nyanamoli’s mother, Mrs Molnar, who has come from Serbia and KH manager Myke’s big sister, Helena, who has come from Wales. Also Ben (of Friday 7th August blog entry) is back with us after spending time at a School of Mystics just north of the border. Our old friend Martin Reilly is arriving on Thursday (he will come from Amulree) to consult on Dhamma and dry stone walling. We are hoping he will be pleased to see the work we have performed on his Kusala House sign (with text now highlighted by Skipper) and the ‘splitting ignorance asunder while I sit on the mountaintop’ inscription, which is now visible to the left of the Dhamma Hall. The inscription is taken from the Theragatha (v. 544) and is attributed to King Asoka's nephew Kaludayin, post-enlightenment, in reference to his determination in pursuing the goal.
On Monday, this week’s quiet day, the Sangha went to Holy Island, the historical home of Saint Cuthbert. Dana was offered by Mame, Maureen, Daeng, Kath and Penny. After the picnic the community went exploring, fortunately all managed to return to the mainland before the tide came swooping in.
Kusala house is host to an abundance of guests this week, including Tan Nyanamoli’s mother, Mrs Molnar, who has come from Serbia and KH manager Myke’s big sister, Helena, who has come from Wales. Also Ben (of Friday 7th August blog entry) is back with us after spending time at a School of Mystics just north of the border. Our old friend Martin Reilly is arriving on Thursday (he will come from Amulree) to consult on Dhamma and dry stone walling. We are hoping he will be pleased to see the work we have performed on his Kusala House sign (with text now highlighted by Skipper) and the ‘splitting ignorance asunder while I sit on the mountaintop’ inscription, which is now visible to the left of the Dhamma Hall. The inscription is taken from the Theragatha (v. 544) and is attributed to King Asoka's nephew Kaludayin, post-enlightenment, in reference to his determination in pursuing the goal.
Ajahn Abhinando left on Tuesday with Cesare for the airport, where he heads south for Spain to lead a retreat. Cesare returned to his homeland of Italy and we eagerly look forward to his next visit. Ajahn Punnyo has returned to Yorkshire to visit his parents and will be meeting with the Leeds group, Dhammapala, on Friday.
The future is holding many auspicious events for Harnham. On Sunday the sixth of September Anagarikas Michael and Skipper will go forth as novice monks in a double pabbajja. They are working hard to put the finishing touches on their robes with the help of Ajahn Sawaeng. The date for Kathina has also been decided and we are delighted to confirm that Luang Por Sumedho (Tan Chao Khun Raja Sumedhajahn) and the Thai Ambassador (His Excellency Mr.Kitti Wasinondh) will be attending. All are welcome and we hope to see many new friends as well as old.