No chariots of fire this week. Only British Airways, which delivered Ajahn Abhinando back into our midst. He doesn’t waste any time either. Seven hours after touch-down and with a full-day Trust Meeting about to start I spotted him in the kitchen holding a paint tin to the light and reading off instructions for his workshop minions. That said, it’s not been all work that’s landed on his plate. On Tuesday we celebrated his birthday. Mame came along with Maureen bearing all sorts of gifts and to offer the meal, whilst the next day an ‘anonymous’ but belated brown box came through the post causing a little perplexity and the faintest of smiles on the face of the kitchen manager, who knows something more than he’s telling...
- honey
- tahini
- cheese
- long-life milk
- semi-skimmed milk powder
Helpful non-food items would be:
- small bread baskets
- fire wood
- Large Letter stamps (1st or 2nd class)
- small denomination stamps (eg.2p,5p,1p)
- larger denomination stamps (eg.£1)
- plastic rake
Thank you also, but we have plenty of toothbrushes, towels, instant coffee, tea bags, onions, pasta, lentils and spices.