Now then, where were we? Ah yes, the silent week. With its close, Ajahn Munindo and Tan Hiriko both took off to different destinations, whilst in the community (with a touch of ironic humour) we opened the following week with a quiet day. Quiet, that is, with the exception of the morning noises now routinely coming from the front of the house, which suggest that cat food bills on the hill are currently down; the rabbit population under control; and the birds outside the Ajahn’s kuti getting a little respite. If I might say so, I think he would be glad about that. But perhaps not so happy to hear of the sweet-black-daft-one’s now frequent appearance behind the kitchen. Like everyone else, I think she’s got a whiff of the Camembert round coming from the outside fridge.
Talking of rounds, Jay is certainly lending a touch of refinement inside the kitchen with his freshly baked French boules – which to me, whilst having that “chewy crust, open crumb and moderately moist interior,” still look more like his bouffant than boules. I wonder if they will fail to rise when he shaves his head? Or burn on top? Something that’s a monastic occupational hazard in the kind of Australian sunshine we had earlier this week. But of which there’s been no danger since the deluge began on Monday night: Perfect weather though for our greenhouse-without-glass, which now stands half constructed behind the meditation hall. And for those fish whose vista we’ve been trying to improve with Hermann’s new pond pump. Hopefully it won’t back fire with that cat around. Which reminds me of a slightly surreal kitchen conversation that took place recently: “Did we like sole?” someone was asked, to which another replied that here soul was not only a fishy problem, but a thorny one as well. Best left off the dana list I reckon. Which this week includes the following items that would be gratefully received:
- long-life milk
- skimmed milk powder
- eggs
- cheese
- small bread baskets
- wood for wood-burning stoves
- Large Letter stamps (1st or 2nd class)
- White spirit (any kind)
- 40W/60W screw-in energy saving bulbs
- mansize tissues
- jay cloths (for him to clean, not wear)
- nailbrushes
- kettle(s)
- kitchen sponges
- cooker lighter thingies
thanks also but we've plenty of honey, kitchen utensils, toothbrushes, instant coffee, tea bags, towels, pasta, lentils, cakes and biscuits, juice.