Thursday 18 September 2008

Geoff's Doors

Installing the doors

The weather has been a little more clement this week, and the meditation room is looking similarly brighter. The community has been clearing everything out, and cleaning up in preparation for the final two coats of paint, which begin in earnest today. Starting with the beautiful new sliding doors designed by our friend Geoff Jackson, and crafted and installed by his team of workers (to whom we're all very grateful), we will get the place looking crisp and fresh in time for Ajahn Candasiri's women's retreat on the 26th.

Ajahn Abhinando has returned from leading the walking retreat at the Sneep (without too much walking) which, he reports, went very well; and we have a new addition to the community since Michael Knabe took the Anāgarika precepts on Sunday evening.

Over the next few days Ajahn Munindo will travel to meet with the Leeds meditation groupand Alex-of-Edinburgh will be here exercising his skills as the monastery's IT co-ordinator.

Last, but by no means least, our friend and supporter Abramina is back with us from Holland on a brief visit and is, as usual, taking care of the monastery in general and practising metta on all our plants.