Sunday, 12 April 2009


Ajahn Abhinando and Tan Subhaddo at Hartridge

Each year, early in April, all the senior members of our Sangha try to gather at Amaravati. It’s a time for reaffirming shared aspirations and, when needed, discussing whatever issues there might be around. Accordingly on Sunday 5th Ajahns Munindo and Punnyo travelled south where they met up with Ajahn Abhinando who has spent the last two months at Hartridge monastery (see picture).
Meanwhile on Harnham Hill spring-time activities increase. Mame and Maureen have been reviving our gardens, Abramina is here, Jeff Jackson has installed a new breakfast table in Kusala House and various guests are coming to make use if it.
It is not long now until we celebrate Wesak (10th May) and this year we want to also mark the completion of Kusala House with an open day for viewing. We hope you will all join us. If things go to plan you will soon receive our Hilltop Newsletter plus a nice invitation card for the event.