Friday, 26 June 2009

The Dhamma of Sewing

Ajahn Saweang and Ajahn Go

Having spent most of June with us, tomorrow Ajahn Go is heading down to Amaravati along with Tan Hiriko and Samanera Visuddhi, who has been working hard in preparation for his coming ordination as a monk. Ajahn Go very generously spent most of his time teaching and helping Samanera Visuddhi and Tan Tejananda to sew robes and jackets. We are all very grateful for his selfless help.
In a little over a week Samenera Visuddhi will be returning as Tan Nyanavisuddhi. His ordination or "upasampada" is due to be on Saturday 4th July in the Amaravati Temple and everyone is welcome to attend.
The community was very happy to welcome Ajahn Saweang back to Harnham on Sunday and he is settling in and adjusting to our British Summer Time and British summer weather.