Quietude pervades Harnham
At Harnham for the week ending 22nd August we are taking part in what we call our silent practice week where work projects and group gatherings are reduced allowing community members the space and time to attend responsibly to their own personal practice, whether it be meditation or study or whatever else calls them (the two applicants for Samanera pabbajja are sewing robes, quietly).
The kitchen still remains a busy part of the monastery, where Anagarika Michael has temporarily returned to his post as kitchen manager with the help of Gabor while Tomas is at home following the passing away of his grandfather. These two cooks also had some quiet time as several danas were offered this week, the first by the Sri Lankan community on Monday. Mame arrived with full dana on Tuesday and Cesare, our long term guest and friend, prepared many Italian dishes on Wednesday. With such an abundance of guests the kitchen has certainly not been empty but everyone has done their best to maintain the peaceful atmosphere that silent week brings.
We are also delighted to report that Ajahn Jayanto's retreat was greatly appreciated by the 19 male retreatants who participated. He made his way back to Amaravati on Sunday and arrived safely. He kindly accepted an invitation to return next year; and while talking about such matters, we have had confirmation that Ajahn Tiradhammo (April), Ajahn Sucitto (May), and Ajahn Amaro (October) will also be leading retreats here next year.
The kitchen still remains a busy part of the monastery, where Anagarika Michael has temporarily returned to his post as kitchen manager with the help of Gabor while Tomas is at home following the passing away of his grandfather. These two cooks also had some quiet time as several danas were offered this week, the first by the Sri Lankan community on Monday. Mame arrived with full dana on Tuesday and Cesare, our long term guest and friend, prepared many Italian dishes on Wednesday. With such an abundance of guests the kitchen has certainly not been empty but everyone has done their best to maintain the peaceful atmosphere that silent week brings.
We are also delighted to report that Ajahn Jayanto's retreat was greatly appreciated by the 19 male retreatants who participated. He made his way back to Amaravati on Sunday and arrived safely. He kindly accepted an invitation to return next year; and while talking about such matters, we have had confirmation that Ajahn Tiradhammo (April), Ajahn Sucitto (May), and Ajahn Amaro (October) will also be leading retreats here next year.