Ajahn Abhinando with Ajahn Munindo.
Ajahn Abhinando is recovering well from his surgery, able to walk and shave unaided. He is still unable to eat solid foods, is still 'taking drugs' (morphine) but is maintaining impressive equanimity. He won't be back for the first Vassa ,which we enter tomorrow, but will make it in time for the second.
Today is Āsālha Puja, and tonight, Kath Jones will take the Anigarikā precepts during the evening puja, beginning at 7pm.
Āsālha Puja commemorates the day when the Lord Buddha gave the first sermon to the first group of 5 Bhikkhus, one of whom became a Noble Disciple upon hearing the teaching. This sermon, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, concerns the central teaching of the Buddha and will be chanted every evening throughout the Vassa, except on Sundays when we will have the regular puja.