Ajahn Abhinando just after surgery.
Having just returned from Ward 3 Urology Department of Freeman Hospital I am happy to report that everyone on AA's team were pleased with the 4 hour surgery. The patient is pleased too (he is on morphine). He talked non-stop almost for most of the hour or so I was there - mostly about how grateful he is for the extrordinary kindness and competence of everyone at the hospital and about his appreciation for all his friends. He wanted me to send greetings and gladness to all of you. He has two massive scars at right angles across his left belly. The Doctor was pleased that they didn't damage the spleen (which was not unlikely) in the course of removing the left kidney and a significant amount of tissue around it. Initial report suggests no complications but of course there will be a series of CTs scans for some time to come. Likewise, over the next few days they will be doing thorough tests on the 11 cm tumour to acsertain ...... (I am not sure what. But it will determine whether or not he has follow-up chemo/radiation etc). Probably in a day or two he will be in touch with you directly as his bedside multi-media unit offers email/internet. Right now he is disinclined to move much, however the physio-folk want him up and about - or at least in a chair tomorrow if possible.
Best wishes all,
Bhikkhu Munindo