With the Aston Martin parked in the driveway this Monday, some folks wondered whether 007 had arrived to offer Dana. It was better than that: more old friends who know The World is Not Enough, hungry like us to Live and Let Die.
Sadly, that’s also what happened to the horse mushroom I found and picked this week. A real hidden beauty: Fresh, white, harmless and wide, left to languish in the fridge, bereft of a daring cook. This morning I had to toss it over the back wall.
Not so, the left-over porridge. Anagarika David, as well as being a dab hand with a pen, also has imaginative green fingers that are currently fiddling it into a strange organic concoction. This is to be pasted on some stone walls down at the retreat house, where legend has it that the mosses will be magically drawn – a strange and esoteric practice.
…Somewhat like the recent kitchen clean-up, which does at least have potential for becoming more mainstream. Just now though, I’m content that we’ve cleared and sparkled the decks ready for the three cooks of the summer retreat (not without daring, these ones), who arrive for its beginning a week on Saturday.
Before then the following items would be gratefully received:
- fruit
- eggs
- honey
And down at the stores:
- wood for wood-burning stoves
- kitchen sponges
Thanks too but we have plenty of olive oil, toothbrushes and towels, instant coffee, tea bags, pasta, lentils, spices and juice