Rolling stones gather no moss. That’s how life in the monastery feels just now. Moving, moving, moving, we’ve reached our peak velocity for the annual round; the impending quiet stop of the retreat not yet here. The weather too seems in its usual state of flux, with the sunshine brought by our Italian friends (perhaps in a special suitcase, like the cheeses) also moving quickly on.
As I remember it, this current pace began last weekend. Friday and Saturday, folks racked their brains in trust and committee meetings. Sunday, we were inundated by the generosity of the Thai community who turned up to celebrate Asalha Puja and the beginning of the Vassa. Whilst down at the Retreat House, our friend Martin (stonemason, dyker, all-round-good-guy and poetic artisan of the solid stuff) put his finishing touches to a new wall, before co-ordinating the palaeolithic efforts seen in the photo. Whether we’ll be painting that stone with porridge I don’t know. But if so, Kath’s new trolley (no she’s not the dolly) now makes it easier to take the porridge to the stone, than the stone to the porridge.
Today the big news is Abramina’s departure. We miss her already. But she didn’t leave us empty-handed; instead, a sack of presents and a long list of retreat house recommendations. God bless her left(L) and right(R) woollen socks – she is irreplaceable. The literal gap she leaves will, however, be quickly filled as the rest of the 30 retreatants arrive today and tomorrow. I’m glad I’m not cooking. For those that are, the following might be helpful, even after yesterday’s mammoth shop:
- fresh juice
- tahini
- dark chocolate
- herbal teas
- wood for wood-burning stoves
- kitchen sponges
- ordinary 2nd class stamps
- high value stamps (£1 and above)