Friday 17 August 2007

Energy in Spades

With the A-level results out yesterday, our young neighbours threw a hilltop party and at 5 this morning they were still going strong as the rest of us creaked into action. For better or worse none of us got an invite and Anagarika Chris curbed his gatecrashing impulses, but by breakfast this morning it was becoming apparent what an interesting effect it had had on the dream-lives of some community members – plenty of life left in the dancing shoes of those hearts.

…In the case of our resident green-keeper however, you don’t have to look that deep for signs of life. He’s got energy in spades. Like the one he lent our Italian friend last week, as well as his new, narrow, slightly-angled planting tool you see in the photo. It proved an indispensable piece of kit this week; for whilst Cesare turned his light touch to the raw materials in the kitchen, Anagarika David and his minions at the sewage works, used it to plant 350 reeds for refining the final product.

Meantime, the rest of us were variously picking up threads of work, planning projects, looking after new guests and in my own case (along with the washing machine) reeling from the retreat. Downstairs, the larder also briefly felt the pinch, but by now has regained its usual state of plenitude - without compromising in expansiveness. Therefore, it could still gratefully accommodate the following items…

  • onions
  • fruit
  • tahini
  • juice
  • decaff tea

As the stores could these ones:

  • wood for wood-burning stoves
  • normal 2nd class stamps
  • high value stamps: £1 and above
  • ecover cleaning materials
  • ear plugs
  • travel alarm clocks for retreat house

Thanks also but we've plenty of salad items, olive oil, instant coffee, honey, pasta, lentils, spices, cakes and biscuits.