Friday 14 September 2007

The 8th Harnham Abbot

This week the kitchen news begins with Sunday’s annual Sangha picnic at Micky and Trudys place near Bellingham. An enjoyable day and dry too. Though not warm: Except by the Aga, which exerted a magnetic pull on most. But not on little Leo Dower, who instead was drawn to the sacred belongings of Ajahn Munindo – thereby confirming himself as the 8th incarnation of the Harnham Abbot, before returning to his books.

On Monday and Tuesday there were two new kitchen acquisitions: Another silver bin (though admittedly this time for the retreat house), and a red motorbike for the kitchen manager to quickly access last minute baking ingredients from the local store (money for the bike and ingredients coming out of his own pocket).

Wednesday, Anagarika David and I handed that chefs toque to Chris, and instead competed for the chauffeurs cap/tour guides parasol, to introduce Tan Nyanamoli’s relatives to the other kinds of Sage, Basil (Hume) and Tyne to be found peppered amongst the attractions of the North East.

Which brings us to Thursday and Friday, when many long-forgotten esoteric marvels were brought to light during the attic sort-out; included amongst them one antique garlic press the size of an orange squeezer and a few rather excellent cookery books: Together with the following helpful ingredients they should see the grateful cooks well on their way:

  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • long-life semi-skimmed milk
  • dried skimmed milk powder
  • tahini
  • cheese
  • butter
  • soya-milk

Whilst the storesmaster would be glad of the following:

  • wood for wood-burning stoves
  • high value stamps: £1 and above
  • earplugs (for sleep not work)

Thanks also but we've plenty of olive oil and juice, onions and toothbrushes, biscuits and towels, tea bags and pasta, cakes and spices.