Friday 7 September 2007

The Art of Dying

After their two birthdays back-to-back last week, Tan Nyanamoli and Anagarika David were this week schooled by Ajahn Munindo in the art of dying; though I don’t think it was the Ajahn who taught them to clean the kitchen floor with hot, tub-shaped imprints: An effective technique, which I’m sure Maureen will appreciate, when she arrives this morning to offer the meal before collecting Mame at the airport. Mame indeed, is not the only one who’s been moving about. In fact there have been quite a few comings and goings lately. Yesterday, Ajahn Abhinando headed north to visit the Glasgow and Edinburgh groups, whist at the monastery we received an email from Jay to say he’s safely back in Minnesota where the weather is somewhat warmer. For Tan Nyanamoli’s mother and brother however, that won’t be the case, when they arrive tonight from a Serbian Summer hot enough to fry eggs in the street: So, would anyone out there like to help warm them up, with some north-eastern hospitality and by showing them about the area? Or, if you prefer plants to people, perhaps you’d be willing to lend a hand looking after the ones here, which no longer have Jays’ careful attention? Failing that, and in response to your own requests, the following things would also be helpful and gratefully received:

  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • long-life semi-skimmed milk
  • dried skimmed-milk powder
  • tahini
  • wood for wood-burning stoves
  • high value stamps: £1 and above
  • earplugs (for sleep not work)

Thanks too but we've plenty of olive oil and onions, toothbrushes and towels, instant coffee and tea bags, pasta and juice, cakes and biscuits and spices.