Friday, 1 May 2009

Vesak Preparations...

Anagarika Michael mowing the meadow

This week saw the return of Ajahn Abhinando on Tuesday in time for his Birthday on Friday. His time in Hartridge, Devon and Le Refuge in France seem to have been beneficial. Also Samanera Sunnyato has returned from visiting Germany, and the day after our Wesak Ceremony he will be heading to Dhammapala, the Swiss Monastery to stay there. Abramina has been helping us in the garden and has just returned to Holland. One knows for sure that Spring has really sprung and summer is just weeks away when the scent and sound of grass being mown starts to become more regular and frequent. The bluebells are out now on the front of the hill and lambs are playing in groups and loudly out-numbering and out-bleating their mothers.

Please join us if you can on Sunday 10th May for Vesakha Puja, our annual celebration of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and passing away. Events are planned to begin with the shared meal at 10.30am. For full details of all of the day's program are on the website.

On this day we will also mark the completion of Kusala House. Restoring and extending this 200 year old cottage has involved many of our friends and supporters. We invite you to come and view the beautiful results of all the good effort that has gone into it. We look forward to seeing you there.