Friday, 8 May 2009

Vesakha Puja

Garden devas

As the weather starts warming up, the gardens are starting to grow more prolifically and so Mame, Chan, Lisa, Daeng and Maureen have been labouring in the front garden and have done a wonderful job tidying the place up. Windows have been cleaned, signs painted and weeds extirpated in preparation for the coming Wesak celebration.

Please join us if you can this Sunday 10th May for Vesakha Puja, our annual celebration of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and passing away. Events are planned to begin with the shared meal at 10.30am. For full details of all of the day's program are on the website.

On this day we will also mark the completion of Kusala House. Restoring and extending this 200 year old cottage has involved many of our friends and supporters. We invite you to come and view the beautiful results of all the good effort that has gone into it. We look forward to seeing you there.

It will also be a chance to wish Samanera Sunnyato a safe journey as on Monday he heads over to stay in our monastery in Switzerland for 6 months.